Friday, September 18, 2009


I thought the home in Ocoee was very promising. The house was perfect, I finally got myself comfortable with the neighborhood. We were told there was a good chance our offer would be accepted if we could close by the end of the month, which we can. And guess what!? After making us wait a week..and even having us go through the approval process.. we find out that we weren't the winning bid.

I'm done with this. I said it before and I mean it now. I wish Kevin would give up too. We can't win the type of home we want and we need to give our notice to our landlord by the end of this month so that we can leave this place and move on with our lives. I'm ready to just rent an apartment and be done with it. Sure, I'll be unhappy in an apartment..walking through a dark parking lot late at night...trying to find a parking spot late at night..lugging groceries up and down stairs.. trying to sleep in the middle of the day while neighbors are out and about making all kinds of noise..not having any sort of yard or privacy...not being able to have a dog because there won't be a place for it to run around in...not being able to personalize the place and paint the walls and turn it into a home...not having room for company when they come to vist. The reasons why I don't want an apartment are endless, but what other options do we have? We can't rent another house. After this madness in this market, I won't do that again. Our landlord is having financial issues and because of that we don't have access to all of the community ammenities, we have to come up with the cash if something needs fixed, and we worry that every day we could get a foreclosure notice on the door. I don't want to deal with this ever again. At least in an apartment, you know you won't be foreclosed on.

I'm just so extremely frustrated. Our realtor sent us some new listings tonight, but I'm not interested in any of them. All the houses suck compared to the two we've fell in love with.

I tried really hard not to let myself get attached, but when we started the approval process I had to make up my mind as to whether or not the house was for us. I had to do more research on the neighborhood..and I decided that YES it was the home for us. I had to do that research. If I didn't, then if our offer DID get accepted I wouldn't have been able to say yes or no right away.

Somebody has to have some good advice. Yes, I know the process can be frustrating and long, but we're on a time limit. we need that government tax credit and we're stuck living in a place now that we don't want to stay in.

I told Kevin that we should never have begun looking for a house to begin wiht. Sure, we both want to be homeowners, but we should've dropped out as soon as we realized that the market isn't what we thought it would be. Sure, houses are listed at cheap prices, but those prices aren't what they're selling at. They're selling for a lot more. I just feel like we're wasting our time and energy. Or, at least, I'm wasting my time and energy. If Kevin wants to continue the search, then he can enjoy himself, but I want nothing to do with it.

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